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Quick Start using Rancher Desktop

This guide walks you through installation of Opni on Rancher Desktop, an open-sourced desktop application for Linux, MacOS and Windows. In 10 mins, you will have Opni deployed on a local k3s cluster.


  • Rancher Desktop is installed and configured on your machine.

Install Rancher Desktop on your computer

Follow the official documentation to install Rancher Desktop. Once installed, it creates a local k3s cluster on your machine and installs the command line tools you need to deploy apps to it (kubectl/nerdctl/helm).

Make sure to switch k8s context to the local k3s cluster in Rancher Desktop SwitchK8sContext

and validate it InstallRancherDesktop

Configure Rancher Desktop

Allocate enough resource to the local k3s cluster. Opni requires 8 CPUs and 8GB Memory at a minimum. ConfigRancherDesktop ConfigRancherDesktop

Install Opni

Here is an example of using Helm to install Opni. For more details please refer to here

1. Install cert-manager

kubectl apply -f

2. config chart value. Select noauth as auth provider and input your hostname and grafana.hostname.

This is a sample values.yaml file:

# Set a hostname for the Opni Gateway API. This must be accessible to all agents.
hostname: <your-hostname> # required
# Set an auth provider. Available options are "openid" and "noauth".
provider: "noauth"

# If using the "openid" provider:
# discovery and wellKnownConfiguration are mutually exclusive.
# If the OP (openid provider) has a discovery endpoint, it should be
# configured in the discovery field, otherwise the well-known configuration
# fields can be set manually. If set, required fields are listed below.
# Relative path at which to find the openid configuration.
# Defaults to "/.well-known/openid-configuration".
path: "/.well-known/openid-configuration"

# The OP's Issuer identifier. This must exactly match the issuer URL
# obtained from the discovery endpoint, and will match the `iss' claim
# in the ID Tokens issued by the OP.
issuer: "" # required

# The ID Token claim that will be used to identify users ("sub", "email", etc.).
# The value of this field will be matched against role binding subject names.
# Defaults to "sub".
identifyingClaim: "sub"

clientID: "" # required
clientSecret: "" # required

# OAuth scopes that will be requested by the client. Defaults to ["openid", "profile", "email"].
scopes: ["openid", "profile", "email"]

roleAttributePath: # required

# Optional manually-provided discovery information. Mutually exclusive with
# the discovery field (see above). If set, required fields are listed below.
issuer: "" # required
authorization_endpoint: "" # required
token_endpoint: "" # required
userinfo_endpoint: "" # required
jwks_uri: "" # required
# revocation_endpoint: ""
# scopes_supported: []
# response_types_supported: []
# response_modes_supported: []
# id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: []
# token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: []
# claims_supported: []
# request_uri_parameter_supported: false

# If using the "noauth" provider:
# Set a hostname where the grafana dashboard will be accessible. This value
# is the grafana oauth redirect URL for the noauth provider.
grafanaHostname: <your-grafana-hostname> # required

# Embedded kube-prometheus-stack chart. Only the following components will be installed:
# - prometheus operator
# - kube state metrics
# - node exporter
# - default service monitors and rules
enabled: true

# set to false if `opni-agent.kube-prometheus-stack.enabled` is true
enabled: false

3. Add the Opni Helm repository:

helm repo add opni
helm repo update

4. Install the CRDs chart:

helm -n opni install --create-namespace opni-crd opni/opni-crd

5. Install the Opni chart:

helm -n opni install opni opni/opni -f values.yaml

Validate Installation

Run the following command to validate Opni has been installed in namespace Opni ValidateInstallation

Next Steps